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Valor's Labs & Clinics





6 weeks

Desktop App

Erica Nieves ( Me ^_^ )
Caitlin Dalton
Brian Bremges



Google Drive


About Valor

Valor Performance is an online coaching platform dedicated to enhancing leadership and team performance through personalized, one-on-one coaching. Their approach combines science-backed performance psychology with tailored coaching sessions, aiming to develop resilient and adaptable leaders.

The Problem

Valor’s group coaching initiative faced inefficiencies as it relied on a single individual to manually manage all aspects of the process. This included creating and sending invitations, setting up and hosting video conferences, and developing session content—an overwhelming and unsustainable workload. To scale group coaching effectively, Valor needed a robust solution that streamlined session creation, management, and visibility across both the backend and customer-facing platforms, enabling coaches to focus on delivering impactful sessions to larger groups.

Problem Statement

Customer Success Managers (CSM) needed a scalable solution to streamline the manual process of managing group coaching sessions


My goal was to design the features for our backend platform and collaborate with my coworker, who was focused on the customer-facing platform designs, to ensure a seamless experience. The backend needed functionality to create and manage group sessions.

Collaborate with my team members who were working on the customer facing designs to ensure seamless functionality

Figure out what the minimum viable product (MVP) would be for group sessions


For ideation I took a look at the assets we already had and decided to see how those could be used together to form a home for our group sessions. This was a large project and we only had so many points allocated to getting this work done. By using assets we already had it would reduce the workload on our engineers.

Idea 1

All group sessions are consolidated in a single location

The entire design was built using existing assets

Creating a new page provided greater flexibility for both the designers and engineers

The sessions would not be stored in the company or cohort history

Adding a new page could increase the workload for the engineers

There was no option to create multiple sessions simultaneously

Idea 2

The sessions could be stored in the company or cohort history

Majority of the design already existed

Many assets would need to be modified

The system was limited to cohorts, but some sessions required access to the entire company

Sharing with Stakeholders

With the initial ideas created I then went to the different stakeholders to get their feedback and input.


Wanted to update the language to better align with the branding of our group sessions.


I needed to determine the minimum viable product (MVP) that would meet the needs of the CSMs

As the target user group, their input was the most valuable and led to several iterations of the design

Highlighted the need for a way to update a coach in the backend, ensuring they receive the appropriate experience on the customer-facing side of the app.


Assessed the workload required for each design

Explained that Idea 1 would be more beneficial in the long run, given our goal to gradually revamp the entire site

Addressed any questions I had regarding the viability of certain elements

Final Design


A method to create and edit group sessions

A place to store group session information

Automate the creation and distribution of session invites

The ability for the CSMs to retrieve the session invite link

The ability to provide selected coaches with the appropriate front-facing experience


Closing Thoughts

I gained experience in collaborating with team members to ensure the backend had all the necessary functionality for the front end

I acquired the skill to prioritize high-impact items effectively

I discovered how to focus on long-term goals rather than just short-term solutions

Future Steps

With the timeframe we had we had to keep to a very strict MVP but there were features we would have liked to have added

Automatically link coach payments to the group sessions

Add the ability to create multiple sessions simultaneously

Tie group sessions to the company, cohort, and client history

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